In a hotly contested oil and gas rights case, in which FBBC was engaged after the litigation began, FBBC filed a Second Amended Complaint alleging among nine causes of action that Defendants, including the original sellers of the property, had wrongfully recorded oil and gas leases on property owned by FBBC’s client. Defendants filed a Cross-complaint against Plaintiffs, alleging that Plaintiffs’ claimed interest in the property was legally improper based on the language of a deed from the original seller of the property. Defendants filed a motion for summary judgment/adjudication (“MSJ”) and FBBC filed a cross-motion for summary adjudication of certain claims (“MSA”). If FBBC’s motion were successful, it would deliver all the oil & gas rights to its clients, but leave open further action against the Defendants for damages and punitive damages in the same case. After voluminous legal briefing (with Plaintiffs’ exceeding 70 pages), the Court today entered its final order granting all relief requested by FBBC in its MSA. The Court denied, in its entirety, Defendants’ MSJ. This moves the case to trial, primarily on the issue of damages and punitive damages, against Defendants. The oil and gas rights at issue have been valued by experts at over $1,000,000,000. Defendants and FBBC, on behalf of its clients, are now engaged in discussions that it is hoped will result in an appropriate business resolution before trial. Partners Peter J. Bezek and Justin P. Karczag handled the litigation for the client and the firm.